Sunday, August 16, 2020


There has to be a poem
For that poet
Whose heart bleeds with sorrow
For an unknown man
Who dreading he had that COVID thing
Jumped off a hospital building
And met with a tragic fate
Before the test results came in
And declared his status negative.

There has to be a poem
For the poet who wept bitterly
And wrote a beautiful poem
For the girl who died
After she was thrown off a bus
By its conductor
Fearing she had the COVID curse.

There has to be a poem
For this poet with the goodness of soul
To spare a thought for the least of his brethren
Their bereaved families, their loved ones
And weep and write a lovely poem
For all those whose voices are crushed.

There has to be a poem for that poet
Who wrote so boldly
Even as an oblivious nation
Soaked in its venality
Suffering from a virus
Worse than COVID
Glued to its tv sets

For a minute by minute update
About the medical condition
Of a celebrity father-son duo
Who tested positive and are getting
The best of care in a super-specialty hospital
And God willing shall come out unscathed.

This then is that poem for that great Mahakavi...

A great human being
Master of verses
Painter of life
Activist of humanity
Terror of the oppressors

This is that poem for that poet
Who sings for the unsung
Who keeps writing fearlessly
For all the oppressed of this world.

This is that poem for that one of a kind poet
Who writes tirelessly, endlessly
All those powerful poems
For those who are too tired, too weak
To chisel out their tragic tales
On the walls of human arrogance.

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