Sunday, August 16, 2020

I’m Sorry Hibakusha

A 'Little Boy' fell from the sky bursting vengeance on your world,
engulfing horrendous crime in a mushroom cloud…

Spewing death, destruction on a scale unknown to the aggressor even…

'Fat Man’s' killer - orgy followed driving home the threat to rain fire from skies
the likes of which the world has never seen.

An empire’s crumbling resistance subdued - collapsed!

Did pride bow before might or foolishness?
The world shall never be the same as that August morn nor safe again.

Death - the destroyer of worlds hovers perpetually in a violent mood.

Aggressor now lives in peace with the vanquished
both buddy-buddies dreading nuclear threats from others.

An apocalypse round the corner every hour or day…

Nuclear terrorism a nightmare giving shivers to governments.
The world shivers too - the price of mankind’s collective sins.

But who’ll heal your burn scars Hibakusha? Who’ll cure those inner wounds?

Who’ll hear your cries on the nights that you re-live the horrors of that August morn when death was merciful to all it kissed?

I’m sorry Hibakusha! I’m sorry!

Note: Hibakusha is a Japanese term for the 'Explosion Affected'

Published in the anthology Voices Of Humanity(Vol.3)
in 2016 by Ardus Publications - Canada.

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