Sunday, August 16, 2020

Devadarus Withered

You have bid a final adieu to the valley
of the 'Devadaru'* blooms
leaving behind desolate hearts
that long to hear your immortal verses sung!
Have you left to hide in the deep solitude
of the valleys lurking in the shadows of the moon?
Will you return someday to brighten lovelorn hearts
with the magic spell of those lyrical rainbow songs?

Did you immortalize these verses or have their lyrics immortalized you?

Nothing can conquer the poet, neither death nor any calamity!

In the years to come, lovers,
will yet look at the moon and whisper wistfully unto each other
"Once there was a poet who could make these whithered 'Devadarus' bloom
See how they stand like weeping widows in this windless valley now?
Look how they strain to hear the music of his golden lyrics again!"

But for now, they must mourn the passing of their bard.
And we must bleed our hearts that you are no more here with us.

A humble tribute to the famous Malayalam Poet and Lyricist Chunnakra Ramankutty who passed away recently. - Link to his famous evergreen Devadaru song.

*Devadaru is an Indian medicinal plant regarded by some as divine. Cedrus deodara (Himalayan cedar).

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