Sunday, December 8, 2019

What God Whispered

You ask me what God whispered
to me when I first met you

He did not tell me that you are
the one for me

He never told me that you'd
be happy with me

But he whispered gently
into my willing ears...

That you are the rarest and the
purest gem he ever made

That he once threw you into
the hellfire of a dark agony

That he again dug you up
from its deep mines of despair

That he cut and chiseled you
many a time with cruel knives of fate

That he put you through the
hottest furnace of all of hell's fire

And then he gently bathed you with
the waters of his compassionate tears

And he lovingly polished you with
the blessings of his tender hands

And smoothed the lines of sadness
he'd etched on to your withered soul

And breathed a new life into you
and made you whole once again

And then he scooped up all of nature's
beauty to adorn you abundantly

He whispered he's a bit tired now
And needs to rest awhile

He wants me to bring the spring
and sunshine back into your lonely life

He wants me to bring the shine and
sparkle back to your lotus eyes

He wants me to paint the rainbow colors
once more on your lovely cheeks

He wants me to hold you close to my
heart and waltz you through the skies

He wants me to smell the Jasmine
fragrance of your intoxicating breath

He wants me to kiss your drowsy lips
and make them quiver with hope

He wants me to give you a bouquet
full of dew-drenched fresh pink roses...

And then kneel down and tell you
That I'll love you ETERNALLY!

Published in the anthology
"A Bouquet Of Verse' Vol 3
by Ardus Publications, Canada (2017)

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