Thursday, October 10, 2019

Land of Lost Souls
I knocked and was kept waiting
in the darkness, shivering.
I did not know where else to go,
only that void behind.
I kept on knocking and knocking
till someone came, a stranger
with a soothing presence
who asked for my passport and visa.
Visa? I asked mildly surprised.
But I thought you gave visas on arrival!
He sighed that stranger, gave a deep sad look
and almost whispered, it's true,
but you are on the reject list.
Back in that planet, you were greedy, selfish, cruel,
adulterous and egoistic - businessman, politician, poet,
you had everything you desired - wealth, fame and power!
But you were ruthless, power-crazy, corrupt, manipulative,
self-centered - despite all the warnings, you cared not!
What do I do now, I asked, can I go back to redeem myself?
He shrugged! It's a one-way ticket. I'm sorry!
Go next door and knock on the gates of hell.
You belong there in that land of lost souls!
Published in the anthology
'A Poet's View of Being'
by Brian Wrixon Books, Canada (2012)

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